Class Deconvolver3D

  extended by endrov.flow.EvOpGeneral
      extended by endrov.flow.EvOpStack1
          extended by endrov.utilityUnsorted.deconvolution.Deconvolver3D
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractDoubleSpectralDeconvolver3D, DoubleIterativeDeconvolver3D

public abstract class Deconvolver3D
extends EvOpStack1

Deconvolver 2D.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 EvStack exec1(ProgressHandle ph, EvStack... p)
          The only argument is the image to deconvolve
protected abstract  DeconvPixelsStack internalDeconvolve(EvStack s)
          At the moment, the returned stack is rather fucked up.
static void log(java.lang.String s)
Methods inherited from class endrov.flow.EvOpStack1
exec, exec, exec, exec1, exec1, getNumberChannels
Methods inherited from class endrov.flow.EvOpGeneral
exec11, exec11, exec1Untyped, execUntyped
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Deconvolver3D()
Method Detail


public static void log(java.lang.String s)


protected abstract DeconvPixelsStack internalDeconvolve(EvStack s)
At the moment, the returned stack is rather fucked up. has to be fixed before it is returned, done so by exec


public EvStack exec1(ProgressHandle ph,
                     EvStack... p)
The only argument is the image to deconvolve

Specified by:
exec1 in class EvOpStack1