Class Partitioning<E>

  extended by endrov.util.collection.Partitioning<E>

public class Partitioning<E>
extends java.lang.Object

Partitioning, or equivalence relation between elements. The class will help computing the total equivalence (compute transitivity) given a few equivalences. Worst-case complexity: Upper bound, O(n) group joins, O(n) for one group join. Lookup is O(1). For structured partitioning on images, likely O(n) group joins, but most joins cost only O(1), so linear cost. There is an alternative implementation with O(1) join and O(log n) lookup. It can be optimized (constant time) with path compression.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void createElement(E e)
          Create an element with no initial relations except reflexivity.
 void createSpecifyEquivalent(E a, E b)
          Specify two elements as equivalent.
 void existingSpecifyEquivalent(E a, E b)
          Specify two existing elements as equivalent.
 java.util.List<java.util.Set<E>> filterSize(java.util.List<java.util.Set<E>> list, int minSize)
          Remove all entries smaller than a certain volume
 java.util.Set<E> getPartition(E e)
          Get equivalent elements for one element
 java.util.List<java.util.Set<E>> getPartitions()
          Get all partitions
 boolean isEquivalent(E a, E b)
          Check if two elements are equivalent
 void specifyEquivalent(E a, E b)
          Specify two elements as equivalent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Partitioning()
Method Detail


public void createElement(E e)
Create an element with no initial relations except reflexivity. Checks if it exists first, will not disrupt relations


public void specifyEquivalent(E a,
                              E b)
Specify two elements as equivalent. Must have been created before.


public void createSpecifyEquivalent(E a,
                                    E b)
Specify two elements as equivalent. Create these elements if they did not exist before. This function is heavily optimized.


public void existingSpecifyEquivalent(E a,
                                      E b)
Specify two existing elements as equivalent. Might be slower than automatically creating new partitions


public boolean isEquivalent(E a,
                            E b)
Check if two elements are equivalent


public java.util.Set<E> getPartition(E e)
Get equivalent elements for one element


public java.util.List<java.util.Set<E>> getPartitions()
Get all partitions


public java.util.List<java.util.Set<E>> filterSize(java.util.List<java.util.Set<E>> list,
                                                   int minSize)
Remove all entries smaller than a certain volume