Class FlowUnitConst

  extended by endrov.flow.FlowUnit
      extended by endrov.flow.FlowUnitBasic
          extended by endrov.flowBasic.constants.FlowUnitConst
Direct Known Subclasses:
FlowUnitConstBoolean, FlowUnitConstClass, FlowUnitConstDouble, FlowUnitConstEvDecimal, FlowUnitConstExpression, FlowUnitConstFile, FlowUnitConstInteger, FlowUnitConstString

public abstract class FlowUnitConst
extends FlowUnitBasic

Common look for all flow constants

Field Summary
protected  java.awt.Color colorBadValue
Fields inherited from class endrov.flow.FlowUnitBasic
hasComponent, TEXTABOVE, TEXTLEFT, textPosition
Fields inherited from class endrov.flow.FlowUnit
fm, font, fonta, fonth, x, y
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.awt.Color getBackground()
protected abstract  FlowType getConstType()
 javax.swing.ImageIcon getIcon()
protected  void getTypesIn(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,FlowType> types, Flow flow)
          Get types of flows in
protected  void getTypesOut(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,FlowType> types, Flow flow)
          Get types of flows out
Methods inherited from class endrov.flow.FlowUnitBasic
editDialog, getBasicShowName, getBoundingBox, getGUIcomponent, getGUIcomponentOffsetX, getGUIcomponentOffsetY, getHelpArticle, getSubUnits, mouseHoverMoveRegion, paint
Methods inherited from class endrov.flow.FlowUnit
checkNotNull, errNullValues, errUnsupportedTypes, evaluate, fromXML, getBorderColor, getMidPos, getTextColor, getTypesIn, getTypesInCount, getTypesOut, getTypesOutCount, helperDrawConnectors, isSelected, toDouble, toXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.awt.Color colorBadValue
Constructor Detail


public FlowUnitConst()
Method Detail


protected void getTypesIn(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,FlowType> types,
                          Flow flow)
Get types of flows in

Specified by:
getTypesIn in class FlowUnit
flow - TODO


protected void getTypesOut(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,FlowType> types,
                           Flow flow)
Get types of flows out

Specified by:
getTypesOut in class FlowUnit
flow - TODO


protected abstract FlowType getConstType()


public java.awt.Color getBackground()
Specified by:
getBackground in class FlowUnitBasic


public javax.swing.ImageIcon getIcon()
Specified by:
getIcon in class FlowUnitBasic