Class EvOpColorRGBtoHSV

  extended by endrov.flow.EvOpGeneral
      extended by endrov.flow.EvOpSlice
          extended by endrov.flowBasic.colorspace.EvOpColorRGBtoHSV

public class EvOpColorRGBtoHSV
extends EvOpSlice

Equations from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 EvPixels[] exec(ProgressHandle progh, EvPixels... p)
          Apply given several image planes, returns one or more image planes depending on operation
 int getNumberChannels()
          Get the number of channels/stacks/image planes that this operation will return
Methods inherited from class endrov.flow.EvOpSlice
exec, exec, exec1, exec1, exec1
Methods inherited from class endrov.flow.EvOpGeneral
exec11, exec11, exec1Untyped, execUntyped
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EvOpColorRGBtoHSV()
Method Detail


public EvPixels[] exec(ProgressHandle progh,
                       EvPixels... p)
Description copied from class: EvOpGeneral
Apply given several image planes, returns one or more image planes depending on operation

Specified by:
exec in class EvOpGeneral


public int getNumberChannels()
Description copied from class: EvOpGeneral
Get the number of channels/stacks/image planes that this operation will return

Specified by:
getNumberChannels in class EvOpGeneral