Zeiss cell observer =============== * control of climate chamber during timelapse * duration window, add experiments * mark & find: multiwell. seems to be nothing but a system to calibrate positions of wells * 1D graph window - this will be required. online graphs? * 3d deconv * autofocus * extended focus? * mosaic * HDR images * channel unmixing * tracking * coloc * Visual basic * interactive measurement - user selects. geometric measures Zeiss ZEN =========== very vista lookalike * autoexposure * built-in list of fluorophores. offer linear unmixing from selection. choosing wavelengths, strength? shows overlap, calculates crosstalk. allows optimization of settings, automatic, with several recommended settings * shows light path to some extent for doing stacks, shows semi-3d view. num slices, interval "set first/last" Nicon elements ========== realtime 2d deconv from autoquant 3d blind deconv database! but screenshot tells it is thumbnails of recordings in a directory koheras lasers control software =========== laser has power & wavelength oko vision ========== avi maker: over time or z joystick. can control even over the web MW scan. seems one can turn wells on and off incubator control. allows incubator to be turned off - avoids thermal shock due to PID control once opened and closed Siemens QVIA ======= opencl renderer volumes and geometry shaded volume rendering (VRT) unshaded VRT render modes: MaxIP, MinIP, 2d MPR multiplanar reformatting (MPR) trilinear interpol transfer functions stereo rendering imagej ========== mosaicJ + turboreg to do stitching trackEM2 for stitch etc? micromanager ========== user requested stitching with multiple cameras