These files are taken from Micro-manager studio. The license file is the one included in Micro-manager. small modifications made by Johan Henriksson. These are made available under the same license. in public static final String DEVLIST_FILE_NAME = "endrov/driverMicromanager/conf/MMDeviceList.txt"; should modify micromanager to keep this file in a better location actually, not needed if devices work. MM queries all devices to build a new list. ----- this is an unacceptable hack: File fu=new File(new File(new File("."),"libs"),"umanager_inc"); pathList.add("/usr/lib/micro-manager"); if(EV.isMac()) { if(EV.isPPC()) pathList.add(new File(fu,"bin_mac/bin_ppc").getAbsolutePath()); else pathList.add(new File(fu,"bin_mac/bin_x86").getAbsolutePath()); } if(EV.isWindows()) pathList.add(new File(fu,"bin_mac/bin_windows").getAbsolutePath()); ------------------- plan: * every device need one primary hardwareMetadata because the state will be written to it * every state of a state device can have multiple hardwareMetadata e.g. objective, filter, prism ---- need to modify MM ----- property block: dev -> propertypair propertypair = property, value PropertyBlock getStateLabelData(const char* deviceLabel, const char* stateLabel) const; /** @name Property blocks * API for defining interchangeable equipment attributes */ //@ { void definePropertyBlock(const char* blockName, const char* propertyName, const char* propertyValue); std::vector getAvailablePropertyBlocks() const; PropertyBlock getPropertyBlockData(const char* blockName) const; //@ } this API is entirelly unused. not loaded from config file. add here MMCore: void CMMCore::saveSystemConfiguration(const char* fileName) throw (CMMError) void CMMCore::loadSystemConfiguration(const char* fileName) throw (CMMError) while(is.getline(line, maxLineLength, '\n')) ---------------------- how to use PB ---- MM config file: "d" is the device itself. otherwise it is a statenum PropertyBlock,mydev,d, PropertyBlock,mydev,0, if multiple under d, the first is the primary association.